We give good companies a good home.

We’re community-minded

Guiding everything we do is one simple belief, summed up in three words: business benefits society. We buy businesses that we want to help grow, by working with and supporting management and employees. We act as long-term custodians who achieve commercial growth that supports businesses, people and communities.

We’re flexible

When it comes to structuring deals, we tailor to meet the mutually agreed objectives. We don’t come to the table with rigid offers and fixed terms, we are flexible and collaborative. We work with sellers to draw up deals that are agreeable to everyone, from owners, funders and shareholders to employees, suppliers and customers.

We keep it brief

Warranties. In sale-and-purchase agreements they can run on and on, page after page, and cause all kinds of unnecessary friction, slowing everything down; so we keep them to an absolute minimum. Our agreements typically include just a single paragraph of warranties. Instead, we make sure our deals are structured so that they protect both the buyer and the seller.

No charge

We know from experience that non-intrusive due diligence can be done quickly and without fuss. So, we cover the costs, and if any issues do crop up, we’ll address them when we structure the deal.

We won’t leave you hanging

We know how fast the clock can be ticking for some sellers of businesses. Often with anxious employees and shareholders to reassure, they like to tie things up quickly; so do we. This is why we’re set up as we are, with a short chain of command. We move fast, sometimes finalising payment for a business just days after our initial meeting.

We pay what we say

No ifs, no buts, we stick to the deal that’s been agreed. ‘Gazundering’, or dropping an offer on a business just before contracts are exchanged, is common practice in our industry. This is never a good way to start a working relationship, so we don’t do it. We will always stand by our original valuation.

We see potential that others miss in order to unearth hidden opportunities.

Mark Sargent | Founder & CEO

When the two trade buyers dropped out, we were introduced to Arkle, who acquired the business in three working days, allowing us to achieve our goals.

Finance Director of the Corporate Concerned